If you’re a pet owner in Northern California or the Larkspur area, you’ve likely heard of urinary tract diseases. These conditions can range from mild to severe and have the potential to cause your beloved pet pain and discomfort. It’s important to identify these issues as soon as possible to ensure your pet receives proper treatment.

What is a Urinary Tract Disease?

A urinary tract disease (UTD) is any infection, inflammation, or blockage that affects the urinary system of an animal. Any part of the urinary system can be affected by UTDs, including the bladder, urethra, ureters and kidneys.

Signs and Symptoms of Urinary Tract Diseases in Pets

Since UTDs affect different parts of the urinary system, signs and symptoms will vary depending on which area is affected. However, some common signs include:

• Difficulty urinating or straining when urinating
• Blood in urine
• Increased water intake with no increase in activity level
• Frequent urination with small amounts being passed each time
• Pain when urinating

It’s important to note that not all UTDs will present with physical symptoms. Some may be discovered during routine blood work or other tests performed by a veterinarian.
Diagnosing Urinary Tract Diseases in Pets

Diagnosis of a UTD typically begins with a physical exam followed by lab tests such as urinalysis or blood work. Your veterinarian may also use additional imaging techniques such as ultrasound or X-ray to get a better look at what’s going on inside your pet’s body. Depending on test results, further procedures such as biopsies may also be necessary for complete diagnosis of certain UTDs.

Treatment Options for Urinary Tract Diseases in Pets

Treatment options for UTDs depend on several factors such as age of your pet and severity of disease process involved. In mild cases where only inflammation is present antibiotics are usually prescribed for treatment; however if there is evidence of infection then both antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed together to treat infection and reduce inflammation associated with it respectively. If there is blockage present then surgical intervention may be required along with medications for relief from pain associated with it; although this scenario is rare but can occur due to several underlying causes like bladder stones or tumors pressing against bladder wall leading to partial obstruction of urine flow from bladder outwards into urethra..

When Should You See A Veterinarian About Urinary Tract Disease?

If you notice any changes in your pet’s behavior such as difficulty urinating or frequent urination then it would be wise to seek veterinary advice immediately rather than waiting hoping that symptoms might subside on their own as this could lead to further complications if left untreated for too long period; especially if there are infections involved which require timely diagnosis & treatments so that they do not spread out into other organs/tissues leading towards more serious medical conditions like sepsis (blood poisoning) etc.. So make sure you get professional opinion from Golden Gate Veterinary Specialists at earliest convenience & have them evaluate your pet thoroughly so that they can diagnose & treat underlying problem promptly thus improving quality & length life expectancy rate significantly!