The world of veterinary medicine is vast and ever-evolving, particularly when it comes to hematology. Hematology tests can provide a wealth of information for pet owners about their beloved animal companions. Veterinarians rely on these tests to diagnose and treat illnesses and infections, as well as monitor diseases.

What Is Veterinary Hematology?

Veterinary hematology is a branch of veterinary medicine that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to red and white blood cells (RBCs), platelets, and other blood components. It also includes the study of the body’s immune system, which helps protect against infection and disease. This field covers a wide range of topics from morphology (the shape) to physiology (function). The analysis, evaluation, interpretation, prevention, management, diagnosis, treatment, control or assessment of disease or disorders associated with these components are all within the scope of veterinary hematology.

Types Of Tests Used In Veterinary Hematology

There are many different types of tests used in veterinary hematology including:

• Complete Blood Count (CBC): A complete blood count test measures cell counts in your pet’s blood sample including total red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), white blood cell count (WBC), as well as platelet count. This test is often used to screen for anemia or infection in your pet.

• Differential Blood Count: A differential blood count evaluates each type of WBC present in the sample to determine if any one type is elevated or decreased compared to normal values for that type’s population average in cats or dogs–this can help diagnose leukopenia (decreased WBC) or leukocytosis (increased WBC).

• Serum Chemistry Panel: This test measures levels of different electrolytes like sodium, potassium chloride; enzymes such as liver enzymes; hormones such as cortisol; proteins like albumin; minerals like calcium; endocrine markers such as thyroid stimulating hormone; metabolites like glucose; lipids such as cholesterol; vitamins like B12/folate among others present in your pet’s serum sample. This test helps veterinarians evaluate organ function in pets that may be sick due to underlying disease processes or toxin exposure.

• Coagulation Tests: Coagulation tests measure how well your pet’s platelets are able to form clots at normal values for that type’s population average in cats or dogs–this helps veterinarians diagnose bleeding disorders if any exist due to abnormal clotting ability caused by some underlying disorder such Vitamin K deficiency or liver disease among other possible causes..

• Urinalysis : Urinalysis evaluates urine samples for presence/absence/abnormalities in various components such as specific gravity ,pH , protein ,glucose etc this helps identify kidney/urinary tract infections , diabetes mellitus etc .

Benefits Of Doing Veterinary Hematological Tests On Your Pet

By having your pet regularly tested with routine veterinary hematological tests you can help protect against underlying health conditions like cancer which may be detected through changes seen on these tests before they become a serious problem . Veterinarians use these results along with physical examination findings & patient history information plus other diagnostic tools results together when assessing & treating illness & diseases . Early detection & treatment can lead improved outcomes & better quality care . Additionally certain inherited diseases can be diagnosed through this testing too .

Veterinary hematology testing provides valuable information about an animal’s overall health status and is an important tool vets use when diagnosing illnesses and monitoring treatments /diseases over time so it’s important for all pet owners across Northern California Bay area especially those living near Larkspur area should ensure their beloved animals receive regular vet check-ups with complete set up lab work done by Golden Gate Veterinary Specialists who not only provide comprehensive medical care but also specialize in specialty services related to laboratory diagnostics .